YC Commissioners met last week

On March 12, 2025 at 8 a.m., the Yuma County Board of Commissioners met in regular session. Commissioner Scott Weaver, Commissioner Mike Leerar, Chairman Adam Gates, and Administrator Brandi Ritchey were present throughout the day.

The Commissioners reviewed and signed accounts payable and discussed various meetings attended throughout the prior month.

County Administrator Brandi Ritchey joined the Commissioners at 8:15 a.m. to present for signature the Colorado Retail Liquor License Applications for Valson’s Restaurants LLC and Whiskey and Waves LLC.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Tom Andersen joined the meeting at 8:30 a.m. to provide department updates. Andersen updated the Commissioners on the status of equipment repairs. Both units are under warranty and loaner units have been provided. Andersen is going to start gathering quotes for next year’s budget. He is predicting that he will need to replace a few mowers and possibly a pickup.

The group reviewed the efficiency report submitted by Andersen. Efficiency levels have increased compared to last month.

Andersen provided the Commissioners with a road report. Topcoat is being hauled to the Y-14 area. Repairs have begun on County Road 42 west of Highway 385 where they will be ripping and relaying material. Andersen presented two salary authorizations and job descriptions for approval. Andersen has hired two new employees, one mechanic and one equipment operator. Both items were approved by unanimous vote.

The Board of County Commissioners convened as the Board of Social Services at 9:30 a.m. Human Services Director Kara Hoover, Child Welfare & Adult Protection Supervisor Hollie Hillman, Income Maintenance Supervisor Dalene Rogers, Legal Tech Ana Moran and Administrative Assistant Lori Summers were present. Detailed minutes of the Board of Social Services are maintained separately by the Department of Human Services. The Board of County Commissioners reconvened at 10:30 a.m.

At 11 a.m., the commissioners were joined by Kent Vance, the Region 1 Grant Navigator from NECALG. Vance provided an update on the current grants available. While he typically focuses on federal grants for organizations, he is also open to exploring other opportunities that could benefit Yuma County.

At 11:30 a.m., the Commissioners were joined by Yuma County Treasurer Chrystal Hammond for her monthly update. Hammond provided insights on various topics, including investments, tax collection, tax liens, the public trustee report, and office information. The deadline for the first half of tax collections has passed without any significant issues. Hammond discussed the delayed printing problem with the printing company, and they issued her a credit to apply towards the next round of printing. Currently, the county has collected 28.87 percent of the 2024 property taxes. Hammond has been in contact with Senator Byron Pelton regarding the oil and gas issues Yuma County is facing and is working to coordinate a time to discuss a bill aimed at addressing this matter.

At 1 p.m., the Commissioners received an update from Yuma County Emergency Manager Jake Rockwell. The key topics covered included fire safety, weather conditions, and public health information. He and the Commissioners also discussed a tornado shelter plan for the courthouse, during which they visited the area to address various concerns. Additionally, Rockwell provided an update on the verbiage of the State Fire Operating Plan. The plan was approved by unanimous vote.

Administrator Brandi Ritchey reviewed calls, correspondence, and presented the following for discussion and action:

The Commissioners reviewed and approved the minutes from the previous BOCC meetings.

The Commissioners received various department reports including an update on the administration of the Eastern Transportation Planning Region and discussion of business undertaken by the 911 Authority Board. Additionally, Ritchey reported that she has not had a response from CTSI regarding an invoice for Run-Out Claims.

Ritchey provided an update on the correspondence received since the last meeting. She reported that a Property Tax Reimbursement Agreement Request had been received along with a request to reduce the rental rate for an after-prom party at the Fairgrounds building. Additionally, Ritchey presented the annual lawn care agreement for approval. After discussion, all items were approved by unanimous vote.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5 p.m. The next regular meetings of the Board of County Commissioners will be on March 27, 2025.