Corliss Estate sale
Estate Sale for Bert & Arnella Corliss, 5729 Hwy 34, Yuma. Oct. 5-7. Th/Fr: 9-6 and Sat 8-1, Items will be priced and you may walk through the home and garage.Continue Reading
Estate Sale for Bert & Arnella Corliss, 5729 Hwy 34, Yuma. Oct. 5-7. Th/Fr: 9-6 and Sat 8-1, Items will be priced and you may walk through the home and garage.Continue Reading
The Yuma Seniors would like to say thank you to the Pioneer for letting people know about our events. A special thanks to our cooks Michelle Hewitt and Ashley Towers, the Pleasant Valley 4-H kids, the Yuma County Rodeo Queen Jordilynn Wiltfang and her Lady-In-Waiting Jalyn Archer for all theirContinue Reading
Townwide garage sales in Kirk! Friday, October 6, 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Saturday, October 7, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CR 11227 CR 3 is one of the locations. Call 970-630-6305 with questionsContinue Reading
Yard sale 9/29 Friday 3:00-6:00 & Saturday 9/30 starting at 8:00 Including: furniture, new generator, greenhouse lights & equipment, livestock equipment, household goods & baby boy clothing, toys & more. 5 miles east of Yuma on Hwy 34- 37946 Co.Rd. LContinue Reading
Estate Sale for Bert & Arnella Corliss, 5729 Hwy 34, Yuma. Oct. 5-7. Th/Fr: 9-6 and Sat 8-1, Items will be priced and you may walk through the home and garage.Continue Reading
Pendelton wool. Many colors and patterns, washable. Price is negotiable, Lots of fabric for quilting, cotton denim from old Levi jeans. Call 970-848-5214.Continue Reading
Yard sale 9/29 Friday 3:00-6:00 & Saturday 9/30 starting at 8:00 Including: furniture, new generator, greenhouse lights & equipment, livestock equipment, household goods & baby boy clothing, toys & more. 5 miles east of Yuma on Hwy 34- 37946 Co.Rd. LContinue Reading
Corliss Storage Unit #84 on Saturday, September 23, 8:00 a.m. – ? Misc.Continue Reading
The family of Marilyn K. Himes Clawson would like to say thanks for all the community support and continuing support through this stressful time. The Nazarene Church for the beautiful service, the Bauckes for their patience and all the volunteers for the lunch. Whether it was food, paper goods, monetaryContinue Reading
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