Edited and expanded upon by Ashley Samber Lynch In January of 1924 twelve women of the Methodist church met and organized the Yuma Women’s Club. The purpose of this group was to establish a public library. The Library collection was housed in closed cases at the town hall and beganContinue Reading

The Yuma City Council received some feedback on the city’s new food truck permit. There were several food trucks around Yuma until the new permit was passed, raising the fee to $50 per month, and requiring written permission from landowners to be on their property. Now one hardly ever seesContinue Reading

Several community members attended the grand opening of the Certified Nurse Aid classroom and lab, last Thursday evening at the Northeaster Junior College Yuma Campus. Many of the NJC leaders also were in attendance, including Northeastern Yuma Campus Director Kortnee Dutton, NJC Executive Director Mattie Haney, Director of Marketing JesseContinue Reading

The City of Yuma was on the hook for paying former city manager Scott Moore more than $120,000 due to a “Reinstated Employment Agreement” entered into in January 2018. Moore was hired in July 2016. The initial employment agreement included a clause stating “The City shall have no obligation toContinue Reading

Plan on visiting your local Yuma or Wray library Friday, January 17, between 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. to borrow your copy of Emily St. John Mandel’s novel Station Eleven. Get some free bookmarks and a yummy snack while you’re at it. If you can’t make it to the libraryContinue Reading

On December 30, 2024 at 8 a.m., the Yuma County Board of Commissioners met in regular session. Chairman Mike Leerar, Commissioner Scott Weaver, Commissioner Adam Gates, and Administrator Brandi Ritchey were present throughout the day. The Commissioners reviewed and signed accounts payable and discussed various meetings attended throughout the priorContinue Reading

The Yuma School District-1 Board of Education set the mill levy for 2025 during a brief special meeting, Tuesday afternoon, as well approving a bid for concrete work outside the Yuma Middle School gymnasium. All five members were in attendance — John Deering, Terri Cooper, Tyson Brown, Lindsey Galles andContinue Reading

The Yuma District Hospital Board of Directors is back to being whole again. Liz Hickman took the oath of office and was sworn in during last week’s regular meeting. The board unanimously approved her appointment. Hickman fills the opening created by Dee Ann Sewell’s resignation last month. The other boardContinue Reading

The situation surrounding Yuma’s city manager position remained unresolved as of earlier this week. The Yuma City Council put Scott Moore on unpaid administrative leave on a unanimous vote in October. A buyout offer was presented to Moore the next day. Moore had 21 days after that to decide whetherContinue Reading

A wide region around Yuma received much-needed moisture from last week’s snow and rain, but it also brought plenty of hassles. The storm dumped 12 inches in Yuma last Wednesday. It could have been much more, but the area received mostly rain on Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning. Big flakesContinue Reading