The Yuma Chamber of Commerce with the help of the City of Yuma received a grant from the Colorado Department of Transportation through its revitalizing main streets program. The program encourages physical activity, and enhances local economic vitality in towns and cities across Colorado through funding infrastructure improvements to makeContinue Reading

Kids At Their Best (KATB) is excited to partner with the Rural Communities Resource Center (RCRC) for a new summer program for kids in Yuma. KATB is a non-profit organization based in Morgan County that was recently recognized at the national level by Share Our Strength for their impressive work.Continue Reading

The local commencement exercise season will come to an end this weekend. Yuma High School’s Class of 2023 held its graduation before a full house in The Pit, last Sunday afternoon. A total of 57 graduates walked across the stage to receive their diplomas. Several were the first in theirContinue Reading

A heavy downpour rolled through a stretch of northern Yuma County, last Thursday evening, May 18. Yuma received a relatively gentle rain that led to one-half inch or more of precipitation, as was the case around most of the area. However, there was a stretch about 14 miles north thatContinue Reading

Memorial Day weekend will include services at area cemeteries, as well as the Yuma Museum’s annual cemetery tour. The Yuma VFW and American Legion will once again host services. The first will be Sunday at Pleasant Valley at 9 a.m. Reverend Brunner will provide the speech. On Memorial Day, thereContinue Reading

There were a lot of important topics covered during the Yuma School District-1 Board of Education meeting, held Monday night in the board room at the new district office. (The Pioneer skipped the meeting to watch the Nuggets’ historic win, but paid for it by having to spend Tuesday listeningContinue Reading

There will not be any public swimming in Yuma during the summer of 2023. It is hoped a renovated and improved Yuma Municipal Pool will be ready in time for the summer of 2024, but there is no guarantee at this time. “It all depends on the funding,” City ManagerContinue Reading

In the ongoing effort to improve school safety, staff in all Yuma School District-1 buildings have been equipped with radios to allow for immediate communication between buildings in case of an emergency. The system also bridges to the local dispatch center, with some of the radios equipped to receive messagesContinue Reading

By Kelly Rayl The Yuma Pioneer April is Autism Awareness Month. “It’s important to us to let people know that there is help out there. You just have to keep strong and stay motivated, never give up,” Shayna Ruehle said. Her son Zion Smith was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder,Continue Reading