The Yuma City Council has decided to not move forward with the Yuma Swimming Pool renovation due to rising costs. The decision came during the council’s regular meeting last week. All seven members were in attendance, Mayor Tim McClung, Mayor Pro-tem Jerome Benish, Terri Frame, Dan Baucke, Marc Shay, ZachContinue Reading

On October 30, 2024 at 8 a.m., the Yuma County Board of Commissioners met in regular session. Chairman Mike Leerar, Commissioner Scott Weaver, Commissioner Adam Gates, and Administrator Brandi Ritchey were present throughout the day. The Commissioners reviewed and signed accounts payable and discussed various meetings attended throughout the priorContinue Reading

The pheasants were bunched up for the hunters who could at least make it to the fields. Last weekend’s opener was slower than usual in regards to hunters, thanks to the heavy snow and rains in the region. That made it difficult for hunters from the Front Range to makeContinue Reading

Direction in the superintendent search was given by the Yuma School District-1 Board of Education, Monday during a workshop. All five board members were in attendance — President John Deering, and Lindsey Galles, Terri Cooper, Heath Roundtree and Tyson Brown. Randy Zila with the consultant firm McPherson & Jacobsen, LLC,Continue Reading

The Yuma District Hospital Board of Directors welcomed a new member during its regular monthly meeting last week, then had to deal with another board vacancy. Mark Werts was officially appointed by the other board members present — Monica King, Delaina Klein and Mitch Korf — and then took hisContinue Reading

The Yuma City Council was presented the 2025 preliminary budget during its regular meeting last week. Mayor Tim McClung was in attendance along with Mayor Pro-tem Jerome Benish, Dan Baucke, Marc Shay, Zach Diaz and Vanessa Dischner. Terri Frame was absent. The preliminary budget was described as a “turn theContinue Reading

The Yuma District Hospital and Clinics Community Health Fair will be held Saturday at First Southern Baptist Church. It will be from 7 to 10:30 a.m. Those who attend can enter to win a free television and other exciting giveaways. There will be flu shots available at the health fair,Continue Reading

Halloween already is one week or less away (depending on when you are reading this). The Yuma Chamber of Commerce, Chamber businesses and other local businesses will be hosting the traditional Trick or Treat Street, on October 31, from 4 to 6 p.m. It will be held on S. MainContinue Reading