Char Adlesperger’s life definitely took a dramatic turn last Wednesday, February 22. “I was in Sterling for lunch. My grandma called and said my house was on fire. At first I asked her if she was joking,” she said earlier this week. Unfortunately, her grandma, Linda Dinsmore, was not. “IContinue Reading

The Yuma School District-1 Board of Education approved the 2023-24 calendar during its regular monthly meeting, this past Monday night in the board room at the district office on the Yuma High School campus. All five board members participated. Duane Brown, Lindsey Galles, Thomas Holtorf and John Deering attend in-person,Continue Reading

On February 14, 2023 the Yuma County Board of County Commissioners convened for a regular meeting. Chairman Scott Weaver, Commissioner Mike Leerar, and Commissioner Adam Gates were present. Road & Bridge Supervisor Tom Andersen and Blade Foreman Justin Lorimer met with the Commissioners to discuss departmental updates. The Commissioners heardContinue Reading

The countryside is not the only place where muddy roads currently are a menace. Parts of the Yuma Industrial Park, as well as areas in north neighborhoods with dirt roads, are an impassable muddy mess. Yuma City Manager Scott Moore addressed the situation with the Yuma City Council during itsContinue Reading

Local businesses and individuals were honored for their commitment to the Yuma community during the Yuma Chamber of Commerce Mixer, held last Thursday at The Orphanage in downtown Yuma. Nominations were held for various awards during the event, followed by voting by Chamber members, and the presentation of the awards.Continue Reading

The Yuma Public Library finally reopened, partially at least, this past Monday afternoon. “It feels really good to be back in here,” librarian Jeanne Triplett said. Patrons already were waiting when the doors were opened at 1 p.m., and the library had a steady stream of patrons throughout the afternoon.Continue Reading

The Board of Directors of the Republican River Water Conservation District (RRWCD) will hold their quarterly board meeting in the southeast meeting room at the Burlington Community Center, on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, beginning at 10 a.m. The Burlington Community Center is located at 340 South 14th Street. The BoardContinue Reading

The Yuma Chamber of Commerce is hosting a 2023 Business of the Year mixer on Thursday, February 16, at The Orphanage in downtown Yuma, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Nominations and voting for a variety of awards will be done during the event. Among the honors are Small Business/Non-Profit Organization ofContinue Reading

Board of directors elections will be held this spring for the Yuma Hospital District, Yuma Conservation District, and the Yuma Rural Fire Protection District of Yuma/Washington Counties. The special districts have calls for nominations in this week’s legal notices section. There are three seats up for election on the YumaContinue Reading