Tribute was paid to the late Darcy Stallings in two different events in the Denver area, late last week. Stallings was killed in a vehicle accident last October northeast of Yuma while responding to a fire call, which turned out to be a controlled burn east of town. State Rep.Continue Reading

On April 29, 2022 the Yuma County Board of County Commissioners convened for a regular meeting. Chairman Robin Wiley, Commissioner Trent Bushner, and Commissioner Scott Weaver were present. Micah Seyler and Dave Blach of the Yuma County Fair Board met with the Commissioners to present the proposal for the beerContinue Reading

The Yuma City Council has been given a document from city administration showing recent history of the General Fund budget, as well as future projections. It was presented to the council members during their regular meeting last week. All seven were in attendance, Mayor Ron Swehla, Mayor Pro-tem Marc Shay,Continue Reading

The 2022 Yuma High School Prom will be held Saturday. Pictured above are the King and Queen candidates: Front row (l-r) — Tannah Gates, Meidi Reyes, Josslyn Munoz and Fatima Duran; back row (l-r) — Jaxson Lungwitz, Beau Tate, Kobe Rayl and Andre Baucke. The King and Queen will beContinue Reading

Monica King and DeAnn Rawson Sewell came out the winners when the final votes were tabulated in the Yuma Hospital District Board of Directors election, which came to an end Tuesday. King earned another term on the board with 536 votes. Rawson Sewell was elected to her first term withContinue Reading

There is a tricky project currently taking place at the City of Yuma’s wastewater treatment plant, east of town. Concrete Specialties is replacing a valve deep beside one of the two aeration basins. The valve was installed in 2005 when the treatment plant was built. It eventually stopped working recently,Continue Reading

It is time for the stock dogs to take center stage again in Yuma County. The second annual Heartstrong Cattle Dog Classic will be April 29-May 1, at Ronda Pletcher’s ranch located at 31228 County Road M, southeast of Yuma. The Novice Class will compete Friday, April 29, beginning atContinue Reading

Extremely windy and dry conditions finally caught up to the region late last week. Fires broke out all over last Friday, April 22, including one in central Yuma County south of Highway 34 that destroyed a family’s home while burning about 4,000 acres. Friday, ironically which was “Earth Day,” wasContinue Reading