Adam Gates said he wants to put action to words. The Yuma resident is in a Republican primary election contest for the Yuma County Commissioner District 1 seat. He and Jamie Unger are on the ballot, both of whom made it through the County Assembly process. Gates noted people haveContinue Reading

Written by Payton Liming Administrative Assistant Due to receiving funds through Senate Bill 22-028, the Republican River Water Conservation District (RRWCD) Board of Directors decided to increase, by $750 per acre, the rates paid for the CREP, EQIP, and RAMP programs in the South Fork Focus Zone (SFFZ), which coversContinue Reading

It will be another busy summer for Yuma School District-1 in regards to capital projects. The district is utilizing several different funding sources to continue to make upgrades, even after nearing the end of the $32 million renovation/expansion project that took place over the last two years. In fact, someContinue Reading

Weather and a suspected leak have made for a bumpy start to the summer season for the Yuma Municipal Pool. The pool initially was scheduled to open last Wednesday, June 1, but cool wet weather delayed the opener. It was closed again Thursday due to the weather, then was closedContinue Reading

At the last Yuma County Landfill Board meeting, it was reported that some of our cardboard was rejected due to too many contaminants in the load. With new recycling options available in the county, this should be a problem that we can easily rectify. If you or your business usesContinue Reading

It is primary election season. Ballots were to start being mailed out this week to registered voters, even those who are unaffiliated. Ballots are due back to the County Clerk’s Office by 7 p.m. on June 28. Registered Republican voters will receive their party’s ballot, and the same for registeredContinue Reading

Yuma Middle School teacher Joshua Rahe recently was recognized as the Teacher of the Year from the Bank of Colorado’s Yuma branch. Following is the nomination letter written by YMS Principal Tonya Rodwell. May 5, 2022 Dear Selection Committee: It is my pleasure to nominate Mr. Joshua Rahe for theContinue Reading