By Payton Liming RRWCD Administration Asst. The combined teams from the Republican River Water Conservation District (RRWCD) and the Rio Grande Water Conservation District (RGWCD) are proud to announce the accomplishment of receiving unanimous approval of Senate Bill 22-028 (SB22-028) by the Colorado General Assembly. Governor Polis signed the billContinue Reading

On May 26, 2022 the Yuma County Board of County Commissioners convened for a regular meeting. Chairman Robin Wiley, Commissioner Trent Bushner, and Commissioner Scott Weaver were present. The Commissioners attended a virtual presentation held by Colorado Counties, Inc. debriefing on the State of Colorado legislative session and county governmentContinue Reading

Yuma School District-1 has been taken off the “Mascot Bill” non-compliant list, and the lawsuit against the Colorado state legislation banning American Indian mascots has been dismissed in U.S. District Court. All of this has taken place this month. Yuma-1 was removed from the Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs’ non-compliantContinue Reading

By Adam Rayes KUNC Rural and Small Communities Reporter In April, the Republican River Water Conservation District Board put out notice of possible changes to water use fees for irrigating crops. At the board’s quarterly meeting Tuesday, however, members did not decide on whether a fee-structure change process will occur.Continue Reading

Sheriff Todd Combs has been working with other county officials to come up with a controlled burn policy in Yuma County. The sheriff met with representatives of the various fire departments in April to come up with a procedure in which citizens need to call in the W-Y Combined CommunicationsContinue Reading

It is the unofficial start to the summer season as Memorial Day is upon us. All area schools have concluded the 2021-22 year over the past week or so, and everyone is gearing up for a holiday weekend. The Yuma VFW and American Legion will host the annual Memorial DayContinue Reading

Keeping the Yuma Ambulance Service in operation is proving to be more and more challenging financially. “We can’t sustain what it costs with what we get in revenue,” City Manager Scott Moore said. Keriann Josh, a paramedic with the Yuma Ambulance Service, said the number of calls are increasing, requiringContinue Reading

Tribute was paid to the late Darcy Stallings in two different events in the Denver area, late last week. Stallings was killed in a vehicle accident last October northeast of Yuma while responding to a fire call, which turned out to be a controlled burn east of town. State Rep.Continue Reading

On April 29, 2022 the Yuma County Board of County Commissioners convened for a regular meeting. Chairman Robin Wiley, Commissioner Trent Bushner, and Commissioner Scott Weaver were present. Micah Seyler and Dave Blach of the Yuma County Fair Board met with the Commissioners to present the proposal for the beerContinue Reading

The Yuma City Council has been given a document from city administration showing recent history of the General Fund budget, as well as future projections. It was presented to the council members during their regular meeting last week. All seven were in attendance, Mayor Ron Swehla, Mayor Pro-tem Marc Shay,Continue Reading