A requested annexation will make the City of Yuma limits whole along the western stretch of Highway 34. It turns out the one-block wide, two-blocks deep plot, between Harvest Motel and the old bowling alley, and from Eighth Ave. (Highway 34) to 10th Ave., is outside the city limits, whileContinue Reading

On March 31, 2022 the Yuma County Board of County Commissioners convened for a regular meeting. Chairman Robin Wiley, Commissioner Trent Bushner, and Commissioner Scott Weaver were present. Road & Bridge Supervisor Tom Andersen, Blade Foreman Justin Lorimer, and Truck Foreman Jeremy Lund met with the Commissioners to provide updatesContinue Reading

By Rod Lenz, board president of the Republican River Water Conservation District Be on the lookout for informative articles from the Republican River Water Conservation District (RRWCD). The district hopes to educate and inform everyone who lives in the basin about the critical importance of water and irrigation to theContinue Reading

While the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives in many ways, it has not changed the need to celebrate and support children and the adults who love, care for, and educate them. The Week of the Young Child (WOYC) is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for theContinue Reading

By Kelly Rayl The Yuma Pioneer A majority of people can take a trip to the grocery store without incident. Hopefully you remember your list, you shop, pay your bill and head home. Mitch Armstrong, a 6-year-old kindergarten student at Morris Elementary, found the grocery shopping experience extremely overwhelming; soContinue Reading

The Yuma City Council election will come to a close at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5. There are eight candidates for the four seats up for election. The candidates, as they appear on the ballot, are Shannon Scholefield, Zane McMeekin, Marc Shay, Dana Olsen Josh, Marylu Smith-Dischner, Terri Frame,Continue Reading

Yuma County will have two elected positions determined in June’s primary election. Two candidates emerged for both Commissioner, District 1, and Sheriff, during the Yuma County Republican County Assembly, held Sunday in Wray. Adam Gates and Jamie Unger both received enough delegates to make the ballot for commissioner. Incumbent TrentContinue Reading

The snow keeps falling heavier to the south of here. The Yuma area received a soaking snow Monday, measuring a couple of inches. It was heavy at times, coupled with a strong wind, but for the most part was a manageable storm for the first day of spring. However, theContinue Reading

Progress is being made with the Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs in regards to Yuma School District-1 getting off the American Indians mascot “non-compliant” list. Superintendent Dianna Chrisman provided an update during the Yuma-1 Board of Education’s regular meeting, this past Monday night at the district office in downtown Yuma.Continue Reading

A Yuma City Council candidate forum will be held Tuesday, March 29, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Red Willow on Main. Eric Metcalfe will serve as the moderator. There will be an introduction and background by each of the candidates. A series of preset questions will be asked byContinue Reading