It was about as routine as a routine meeting could get when the Yuma City Council gathered last week in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Ron Swehla, Mayor Pro-tem Marc Shay, and council members Marylu Smith-Dischner, Tim McClung, Daniel Ebersole and Dan Baucke were in attendance. Terri FrameContinue Reading

By Marianne Goodland State Capitol Correspondent A bill that would allow illegal ponds to remain undrained in order for the water to be used for wildfire suppression got its first hearing in the past week in the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. Senate Bill 114 would allow those pondsContinue Reading

By Ed Lake RF Tranlsator As author of last week’s article on antenna TV it has been brought to my attention that I may have led some to believe antenna TV was in danger in Northeast Colorado. If so, I apologize for the confusion as it is not in danger.Continue Reading

Arickaree School District R-2, like Yuma-1, is needing to replace its Indians mascot by June 1. The community has come up with five finalists — Buffaloes, Bulls, Athletics, Flying Aces, and Rattlers. The district has created an online poll for alumni and community members to participate in helping narrow theContinue Reading

The Yuma Police Department reported last Saturday that it had received multiple reports of someone trespassing into unsecured vehicles overnight. The YPD asks citizens to secure their vehicles when they are parked, remove valuable items, and the keys, to deter criminals from wanting to forcibly enter your vehicles. If youContinue Reading

Beverly Wenger is announcing her decision to run for another term as Yuma County Clerk and Recorder. Wenger, elected in 2002, has continued to run her office in a manner that is welcoming and caring to the customer. During the last 19 years, Bev has added Motor Vehicle services toContinue Reading

The Yuma County Sheriff’s Office announced on Facebook earlier this week that the county is again seeing a rise in stolen vehicles and property. The YCSO stated that due to continued observations by citizens, law enforcement has been able to obtain photos of three individuals who are persons of interestContinue Reading

By Bev Wenger Yuma County Clerk and Recorder Contrary to popular belief, Colorado voter rolls are some of the cleanest rolls in the nation. County clerks have policies and procedures that must be followed and maintained before removing or adding a voter to/from our voter list. As of January 10,Continue Reading