Yuma County is tackling several issues in 2022, including oil and gas rules, compact compliance, ag advocacy, and the county roads. The county commissioners and county administrator are working closely with local natural gas producer OWN Resources to participate actively in the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission rulemaking process.Continue Reading

The Year 2022 will be more about making decisions than about big projects for the City of Yuma. Facing tight financing for the General Fund, city administration and city council will be looking at ways to cut back services, with those taking affect in 2023, City Manager Scott Moore said.Continue Reading

The region finally received its first measurable snowfall of the season over the New Year’s Day weekend. However, the drought continues in a big way. About two to three inches of the white stuff fell on the Yuma area, overnight Friday into Saturday. It was a light, dry snow, though,Continue Reading

From Todd Combs I would like to take a moment of your time to announce my bid for a second term as your Sheriff. As your Sheriff for the last three years, my team at the Sheriff’s Office has accomplished much and provided the law enforcement needed throughout the countyContinue Reading

Byron H. Pelton, Logan County Commissioner for District 1, is announcing his bid to serve as the Colorado State Senator from District 1. “It is crucial that Colorado elects someone to the Senate that is willing to be a strong voice for Energy and Agriculture. These two industries are theContinue Reading

The Yuma City Council held its last meeting of 2021, last week in the Council Chambers at Yuma City Hall. All seven members were in attendance — Mayor Ron Swehla, Mayor Pro-tem Marc Shay, and council members Marylu Smith-Dischner, Tim McClung, Dan Baucke, Daniel Ebersole, and Terri Frame. The councilContinue Reading

Yuma County’s 2022 budget will be nearly $4 million more than in 2021, but it is not the case of spending more of the local taxpayers’ hard-earned money. The county’s 2022 budget received final approval recently the Yuma County Commissioners. The total budget is set at $26.36 million, compared toContinue Reading

(Editor’s Note: Presented below is from the minutes of last week’s meeting of the Yuma County Board of Commissioners. The Pioneer has added some of its own wording.) The Yuma County Commissioners and local law enforcement met with 13th Judicial District Attorney Travis Sides to discuss the 2022 budget requestContinue Reading