There are now 15. The Yuma School District-1 Board of Education trimmed the list of submissions for a new mascot during its regular monthly meeting, Monday night at the district office located on the southern edge of downtown Yuma. Yuma-1 needs to eliminate “Indians” which has been around since theContinue Reading

The Yuma School District-1 Board of Education received an update on its $32 million expansion/renovation project, which is focused on the Yuma High School campus, during its regular monthly meeting Monday night. Board President Dan Ross, and board members Lindsey Galles and Duane Brown were in attendance, while Kim LangelyContinue Reading

Yuma School District-1 has implemented additional health protocols at Yuma Middle School. The district received notification this past Tuesday of three additional positive COVID-19 cases at YMS. That brings the total active cases in the Yuma schools to six. Two positive cases at YMS and one at Yuma High SchoolContinue Reading

Tragedy struck north of Yuma last Wednesday morning, September 15, as a young man lost his life in a two-vehicle accident. A memorial service for Corey Mekelburg, 26, was held this past Tuesday afternoon at the First Presbyterian Church. He spent most of his life in the Yuma area, andContinue Reading

Early enrollment figures indicate a decrease in Yuma School District-1’s student population. Numbers provided by the district earlier this week showed enrollment of 874 students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, compared to an early count last year of 899, the final official count last year was 906. Early enrollment figuresContinue Reading

Yuma Community Foundation trustees have set a deadline of October 15, 2021 to receive written applications for the 2021 cycle. Applicants must submit (5) five copies. Applications are available at Main Street Insurance, 317 S Main in Yuma or by email, call Linda Frank (848-5382). Mail completed applications to: YumaContinue Reading

The Lake Yuma Project was back before the Yuma City Council during its regular meeting, last week. It had to do with the new sod laid as part of the bank stabilization effort, and the need to expand the sprinkler system to water the new grass. The roughly $500,000 project,Continue Reading

New guidance issued by the CDPHE last week for schools recommends masking in K-12. The state updated and clarified its Practical Guide for Operationalizing CDC’s School Guidance to reflect updated best practices and guidance for schools to prevent the spread of COVID-19. There is no indication area school districts willContinue Reading

Yuma Community Foundation trustees have set a deadline of October 15, 2021 to receive written applications for the 2021 cycle. Applicants must submit (5) five copies. Applications are available at Main Street Insurance, 317 S Main in Yuma or by email, call Linda Frank (848-5382). Mail completed applications to: YumaContinue Reading