Kind Roots of Wray is in the process of attempting to locate a cannabis oil manufacturing facility in Yuma. The facility would be located in the Yuma Industrial Park, operating year-round. It potentially could generate considerable revenue in excise tax for the City of Yuma, as well as create moreContinue Reading

The Yuma City Council learned during its regular meeting last week that the Yuma Chamber of Commerce is attempting to make the director position full-time. Chamber Board member Marylu Smith-Dischner, also a member of the council, informed the council that current director Sammy Trostel recently announced her resignation. She saidContinue Reading

The growing season and the following harvest certainly have been a roller-coaster ride for the local winter wheat crop. Planted last fall in dry conditions, followed by a mostly dry fall, winter and early spring, prospects did not look promising for the 2021 harvest. However, then came a wet snowContinue Reading

A decent-sized crowd grilled the Yuma City Council and administration about budget transparency and communication, during a town hall meeting Monday night at the Yuma Community and Enrichment Center. The city organized the meeting to answer questions regarding the general fund and enterprise funds. A total of 35 were inContinue Reading

Senate Bill 21-116, aka “the mascot bill,” was signed by Governor Jared Polis, Monday afternoon. It was the final legislative step dictating that schools such as Yuma will need to eliminate Native American mascots, and any reference on anything school related, by June 2022, less than one year away. IfContinue Reading

The driver in a rollover accident on Highway 34 at the overpass west of Yuma apparently avoided serious injury, last Saturday afternoon. The accident occurred at approximately 3:30 p.m., June 26. A 2015 Toyota Tacoma driven by Betty Nelson, 70, of Fort Morgan, was pulling a camping trailer westbound onContinue Reading

Work is well underway with the Lake Yuma Project. Solitude Lake Management is in charge of the $500,000 project to upgrade Yuma’s attractive stormwater runoff pond. A grant from the Department of Local Affairs is covering half the costs, with the rest being covered from the Street Department budget inContinue Reading

Sterling, Colo – June 24, 2021:  In April, 2020, the Northeast Colorado Health Department (NCHD) Board of Health signed a resolution declaring a local public health emergency for the special district of the Northeast Colorado Health Department.  During their board meeting on June 23, 2021, the board rescinded the resolution.Continue Reading