Matt Yost is living his childhood dream of being a police officer. The newest addition to the Yuma Police Department recalled he was in second grade or so “when I really fell in love with it,” he said. “They brought the cop cars to school, and with the lights andContinue Reading

From the Armstrong Family: Thank you to Barb Adolf for donating this handmade beautiful quilt to the J.AM. Foundation that was auctioned off at your Estate Auction. The quilt was purchased by Marvena Nau, which was donated back and auctioned again, then purchased by Tonya Flemister and the Armstrongs. TheContinue Reading

No doubt everyone involved with education in the region breathed a big sigh of relief when the 2020-21 school year came to an end. Yuma School District-1, as well as nearly all districts in the area, went from start to finish with in-person instruction while dealing with all the issuesContinue Reading

The 5:10 to Yuma 5k/10k Walk/Run is all set to take off Saturday morning on Main Street. Organizers are expecting around 200 plus participants between the 5k and the 10K. Here’s the schedule and some important things to note: Friday, June 18 • Packet Pick Up and Registration at BankContinue Reading

The methodical march toward schools in Colorado having to get rid of Native American mascots continues. Yuma’s school teams have gone by the “Indians” since the mid-1930s, but likely will have to transition to a new mascot by June 2022. Senate Bill 21-116 passed out of the Colorado Legislature lastContinue Reading

The Yuma City Council whipped through the agenda in about 20 minutes, last week during its regular meeting at Yuma City Hall. All seven council members were in attendance — Mayor Ron Swehla, Marc Shay, Tim McClung, Marylu Dischner-Smith, Steve Hoch, Dan Baucke and Daniel Ebersole. The council did passContinue Reading

Everything is blossoming and the local agricultural scene is encouraging as wet weather continues to visit the region. This past Sunday, May 30, was the first remembered in a long time in which it simply rained steadily throughout the day, resulting in 1.5 inches of precipitation over the weekend —Continue Reading