After a lengthy meeting of the Yuma County Fairboard, the future of the Yuma County Fair is a little clearer. It was obvious by the attendance and conversations at this meeting that keeping our fair as normal as possible was forefront in everyone’s minds, but as we all know, normalContinue Reading

Yuma School District-1’s $32 million renovation/expansion project continues to move forward incrementally. An update was given during the Yuma-1 Board of Education’s regular monthly meeting, Monday night at district headquarters in downtown Yuma. David Kurz of Neenan Archistruction participated via telephone, while Chad Rayl of owner’s representative Project One wasContinue Reading

The crew from Concrete Specialties out of Sterling has been hard at it for the past week or so installing a new water main along the 100 and 200 blocks of S. Albany St. It appears the job will be done in short order, but the crew will be backContinue Reading

Lone Star will be holding a graduation ceremony for the Class of 2020 on Saturday. It will begin at 10 a.m. and will be held outdoors on the football field. The four-member Class of 2020 includes Wyatt Lockwood, Michaela Kuntz, Anniston Buss and Jasmine Fisher. All community members are welcome,Continue Reading

It is official, the 40th version of the Old Threshers Show has been postponed in 2020 and instead will be held September 10-12, 2021. Tim Stulp, director of Old Threshers Group, released the following statement earlier this week: “As Old Threshers continues the process of getting ready for the 40thContinue Reading

At Monday night’s meeting of the Yuma County Fairboard, it was decided that, in light of the spread of Rabbit hemorrhagic disease, it was in the best interest of rabbit exhibitors to cancel the Rabbit show for the 2020 Yuma County Fair. RHD is a very contagious disease that isContinue Reading

The rain went away, and the sun broke through just a bit, though the wind gusts were still around, when Yuma School District-1 held a brief groundbreaking ceremony for the $32 million renovation/expansion project, Tuesday afternoon. Yuma High School athletic director Michael Dischner broadcast it live on the Yuma IndiansContinue Reading

The Yuma County Task Force voted late last week to move to the next phase of the Yuma County Variance. Phase II keeps the 50-percent occupancy but allows gatherings up to 100 for those with a high-enough occupancy rate. If things progress in a positive manner, the Task Force canContinue Reading

City of Yuma buildings and facilities are opening back up with COVID-19 restrictions in place. There also will be summer recreation games at the Jeff Armstrong Ball Park Complex, beginning next week. See Sports section for more on that. City Hall reopened to the public on Monday for the firstContinue Reading