From high 90s over the weekend, to the 50s and heavy rain on Tuesday, the one constant was damaging winds that pummeled the area for most of four days. Yuma luckily avoided any major damage. However, neighboring towns to the west and north of Yuma were not so lucky. AkronContinue Reading

The Yuma County variance to Safer at Home rules remains in effect despite a jump in cases recently. Yuma County’s confirmed cases of COVID-19 stood at 42 as of Wednesday’s update on the Northeast Colorado Health Department, That is an increase of 31 cases since May 21, and 23Continue Reading

The Yuma City Council voted during a special meeting on May 27 to rescind a resolution passed earlier in May stating the city would stick with the state’s Safer at Home plans. By rescinding the resolution, the city automatically came under the jurisdiction of the Yuma County variance, which hadContinue Reading

Yuma is now part of the Yuma County variance to Safer at Home orders, following action taken by the Yuma City Council, Wednesday afternoon. The council held a brief special meeting, voting 6-0 to rescind the resolution it passed earlier in May stating the city was sticking with the state’sContinue Reading

It has been a challenging time, to say the least, for Vicki Bushner over the past few months. Not only has she been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions like the rest of us, she also has been taking care of her elderly parents, and also has retired after aContinue Reading

The Yuma City Council had a long visit with Yuma District Hospital & Clinics representatives during last week’s regular meeting, which again was held virtually using Zoom. CEO Beth Saxton and Family Nurse Practitioner Heath Horton joined the council to discussion the local situation in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic.Continue Reading

The Yuma Police Department is nearly back to a full staff. The YPD has been short-staffed for more than one year. However, three officers have joined the department in recent weeks, and one more currently is at the police academy and will join the YPD in the near future toContinue Reading

The State of Colorado finally approved Yuma County’s requested variance to Safer at Home rules, late Friday night. A county-wide task force including municipalities, the county and the hospitals, has been working on the plan for nearly a month, making adjustments to it at least twice before finally being approvedContinue Reading