The Yuma City Council will take on a little bit of a different look following this past Tuesday’s election.
There were four candidates for three seats as council member. The unofficial results show Zach Diaz and Daniel Baucke each received 289 votes, and Marc Shay 271. Write-in candidate Daniel Ebersole received 46 votes.
Councilman Tim McClung ran unopposed for mayor, receiving 276 votes.

Voter turnout was low in the mail-in election.
McClung, Baucke and Shay already are on the council. McClung will move to mayor, and Diaz will join the council.
The results will be declared official April 11 or April 12. The new council will be seated during the regular meeting on April 16.
That will be the last meeting for Mayor Ron Swehla, who has had a long career on the council. Other council members are Terri Frame, Jerome Benish and Marylu Smith-Dischner.
This was the last April municipal election in Yuma. Voters previously approved a ballot question moving the municipal election to November, beginning in 2025. The mayor position will be up for election then, and the three council seats decided this week will be up for election again in November 2027. The council seats elected in 2022, currently held by Benish, Frame and Smith-Dischner, will be up for election in November 2025.