New trash rate in effect

Your next utility bill from the City of Yuma will reflect the new trash rate.

The monthly trash collection base rate fee has increased $3 for a 90-gallon container, $21 for residential and $26.60 for commercial. The fee increase is higher for the 300-gallon containers.

The city has stated the increased fee will help fund the purchase of a new, state-of-the-art trash truck. The current equipment has become increasingly costly to maintain.

The new truck will reduce downtime and ensure timely pickups for all residents, even during peak times or severe weather conditions. Also, modern trash trucks come equipped with advanced safety features that protect city employees and the community, the city reports. The new trash truck will meet newer emission standards

The increased fee also is due to the increased cost of doing business, the city reports.

Anyone wanting more information about the trash rate increase can call City Hall at 848-3878.