Corn and sugar beet harvests wrapping up
Yields are down but prices are up as the local corn harvest approaches its end. The 2020 harvest started early, then reportedly slowed a bit as producers ran into high moisture. However, most of it has dried down again and the harvest likely will finish up this week while temperaturesContinue Reading
Indians try to stay in the race, Saturday
The final home game of the season is Saturday for the Yuma High School football team. It also will be the Tribe’s Homecoming game as the Wiggins Tigers visit for a 1 p.m. kickoff. Yuma is 2-2, with a shot at a winning record in the six-game season, after claimingContinue Reading
6-man football report
Pandemic messing with Stratton/Liberty schedule The pandemic is messing a bit with the Stratton/Liberty football team’s schedule. The second-ranked Knighted Eagles are 4-0 on the season, but their last one came via forfeit by Hi-Plains. The teams’ game had been moved to this past Monday due to some COVID casesContinue Reading
Orval Dean Rawson 1942-2020
After a sixteen year battle with cancer, Orval Dean Rawson (78) passed away peacefully at his home in Yuma, CO on October 29, 2020 with family by his side. Orval was born on October 29, 1942 in a house in Eckley, CO to William (Bill) and Esther Rawson, the middleContinue Reading
Second round for business grants
A second round of $5,000 grants through the Yuma County Small Business Relief Program is underway, but businesses need to move quickly as the deadline is November 9. There is a second round because funds are still available after the first go-around, despite it being well received with 65 grantsContinue Reading
Increasing the Resolution — Greg Hill
Letters: A study in contrast We saw in last week’s Yuma Pioneer a note-worthy pair of letters-to-the-editor. The first of these was submitted by Gabe Harper: “I was raised in Yuma, but for the last few years lived in both Denver and Chicago. Making new friends I found myself debunkingContinue Reading
Tom’s World — Tom Westfall
Why I voted the way I did By now, many of you have already voted, as have I. It felt good to place my ballot in the drop-box and realize that I no longer must listen to anything political. I can eschew “educating” myself on the myriad issues that clutteredContinue Reading
Council rejects expanded alcohol zone downtown
Downtown Yuma will not become an expanded zone for liquor consumption. The Yuma City Council at last week’s regular meeting decided against pursuing an ordinance proposed during the previous council meeting. Trent Bushner of Tumbleweed Brewing and Wine Co. made the proposal at the October 6 meeting. He explained thatContinue Reading
Election season nearing end
Election season is almost over, so make sure to get your ballots turned in by 7 p.m. Tuesday, November 3. Many already have voted and returned their ballot. Yuma County Clerk and Recorder Bev Wenger reports that approximately 2,200 ballots had been returned as of 12 noon Monday. She saidContinue Reading
Second round coming for business grants
Yuma County leaders considering a second round of $5,000 grants to local businesses through the Small Business Relief Program. The deadline for the first round was October 9. Several took advantage as the county’s four local governments — Yuma County, Yuma, Wray and Eckley — have awarded a total ofContinue Reading