Spring sports officially canceled
To CHSAA Member Schools: We have proceeded with cautious optimism, holding on to a thread of hope that the spring season would be able to realistically resume, knowing that the health and safety of our sports communities would dictate our course of action. It was our hope to be ableContinue Reading
School board, council have meetings early next week
Next week will mark the first meetings of the Yuma-1 Board of Education and the Yuma City Council since Colorado’s stay-at-home orders went into effect, in regards to the novel coronavirus outbreak. Both are taking a different route in how their meetings will be conducted. Yuma-1 Board of Education stillContinue Reading
Yuma County business impact survey
Yuma County Economic Development is conducting an online survey of how businesses are being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey was first released late last week, and approximately 40 businesses filled out the survey in the first few days. Executive Director Phil Riggleman said the survey’s purpose was toContinue Reading
First COVID-19 related deaths in NE Colorado include Yuma County resident
Sterling, Colo – April 16, 2020: It is with heavy hearts that the Northeast Colorado Health Department (NCHD) announces that we have been notified of 3 confirmed deaths, one each in Logan, Morgan and Yuma Counties that are associated with COVID-19 and additional deaths may be attributed to COVID-19 pendingContinue Reading
Yuma County Democrats pulled off assembly
Yuma County Democrats were able to hold their County Assembly last Wednesday, but it did not happen easily. County leaders already were setting up a system where delegates could vote by proxy. Then came word Wednesday morning of Yuma County’s first confirmed COVID-19 case. By that afternoon the Democrats hadContinue Reading
Responders taking precautions but still serving the public
Local law enforcement is scaling back some of its “non-essential” services, but otherwise is continuing its duties in maintaining law and order during these COVID-19 days. Yuma Police Chief Jerry Thompson said the Yuma Police Department is encouraging citizens to file reports by telephone when possible in order to minimizeContinue Reading
School project remains on schedule for now
It appears for now that Yuma School District-1’s taxpayer-approved and BEST Grant-supported $32 million renovation/expansion project will proceed as scheduled. The Yuma-1 Board of Education was given a project update during its regular monthly meeting at the district office in beautiful downtown Yuma, Monday night. All five board members wereContinue Reading
Aprendizaje a distancia para los estudiantes de Yuma
Translated by Raquel Eduardo Se están preparando planes para comenzar el aprendizaje a distancia para los estudiantes de Yuma en los grados 5 al 12 a partir del lunes. Esa fue la decisión que salió durante la reunión mensual de la Junta de Educación de Yuma-1, el pasado lunes porContinue Reading
All-LPAA boys
Yuma High School boys basketball team had two selections to the 2019-20 All-Lower Platte Activities Association basketball team. The Indians won the league for the third straight year, running its LPAA winning streak to 24. Wray and Sedgwick County each ended up with the most selections with three. Yuma All-LPAAContinue Reading
All-LPAA girls
The Yuma High School girls basketball team ended up with a total of three selections to the 2019-20 All-Lower Platte Activities Association basketball team. Yuma had two on the All-LPAA team and one honorable mention. League champion Holyoke and Wray each had three on the All-LPAA team. Yuma All-LPAA ReaganContinue Reading