All-YWKC basketball selections
The Lone Star girls, who won the program’s first league title in decades this past season, dominated the All-YWKC League Basketball Team selections. The Longhorns had four on the all-conference team, and two more honorable mention. They came one half away from reaching the state tournament this season, and returnContinue Reading
Oda (Odie) Ira Dutton 1926-2020
Oda (Odie) Ira Dutton, 93, of Cope, Colorado, passed away Friday, March 20, 2020 at his family farm outside of Cope. A private graveside service will be held on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at Cope Cemetery. Odie was born on September 20, 1926 at his family’s homestead northwest of CopeContinue Reading
Mary Alene (Perlenfein) McConnell 1948-2020
On September 2, 1948 Mary Alene Perlenfein arrived at the Wray Hospital to bless the home of Alvin and Darlene (Hadley) Perlenfein. She had the usual childhood of attending Sunday School at the Methodist Church and getting awards for perfect attendance. When Mary was almost four she was joined byContinue Reading
Dexter Lewis Robertson 1928-2020
Dexter Lewis Robertson died at the age of 91 in a Phoenix, Arizona, medical facility on March 18, 2020, as a result of complications from injuries suffered in a car accident in February. Dexter was born on September 30, 1928, in Yuma, Colorado to Glen W. Robertson and Olive I.Continue Reading
Andrea Lynn Koenig 1970-2020
It is with heartbreaking sorrow that her family shares the news of the death of Andrea Lynn Koenig. She was born February 13, 1970 in Yuma, Colorado. She passed away, at age 50 on March 16, 2020 at her home in Denver, Colorado. During her 50 years on earth, AndreaContinue Reading
Joshua Mark Schroetlin 1978-2020
Joshua Mark Schroetlin, age 41, of Woodland Park, Colorado, passed away peacefully at Bear Creek care center on March 17, 2020. Josh was born in Sterling, Colorado on July 10, 1978, son of Mark and Laura (Willmon) Schroetlin. Along with his younger brother, Curt, Josh grew up working for hisContinue Reading
Special COVID-19 health insurance signup announced
The Colorado Division of Insurance announced this morning that they have adopted an emergency regulation to allow a COVID-19 Related Special Enrollment Period for enrollment in an individual (or family) health benefit plan. It is a 15 day enrollment period beginning March 20, 2020 and ending April 3, 2020. CoverageContinue Reading
Yuma County closes facilities
The Yuma County Government announced late Wednesday afternoon that all county facilities would be closed to the public effect Thursday, March 19. Following is the statement: YUMA COUNTY OPERATIONS DURING COVID-19 Dateline: WRAY, CO, March, 2020 — The Yuma County Commissioners have been closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and, atContinue Reading
First COVID-19 case in Yuma County confirmed Wednesday
COVID-19 is here. The first case in all of northeast Colorado was confirmed in a Yuma County resident, announced the Northeast Colorado Health Department, late Wednesday morning. The release from the NCHD stated: “At this time the person is not hospitalized but in appropriate isolation and is recovering at home.Continue Reading
Lodging tax on municipal election ballot
A lodging tax will be among the questions before City of Yuma voters when they receive their ballots in the mail. April 7 is the official City of Yuma Municipal Election date, which also includes a race for the Yuma City Council. However, the city has gone to a mail-inContinue Reading