Yuma Art Show results

Y.A.A. recorded 102 entries in the adult division on Friday, Oct. 20. Of those, 66 were entered to be judged on Saturday morning. The judge named the following top awards in these three main categories:
Best of Show
Professional Category:
First, “Study in Color” by Monica King; Second, “Scallyway” by Brandon Aagesen; Third, “Eagles’ View of Wray Bluffs” by Cindy Misgrave.
First, “Driver and His Pet” by Nina Horn; Second, “Seeing Double at Lake Yuma” by Colleen Ochoa; Third, “Not in Kansas Anymore” by Nina Horn.
First, “Let the Music Grow” by Ajanay Aragon.
Second, “Days Gone By” by Karen Evans.
Third, “Rooster” by Joni Maxson.
Within the many different media, the artists’ awards were as follows per category:
Oil: First, Dianna Cummins, Ft. Morgan; Second, Tosha Wise, Joes; Third, Diana Cummins; Fourth Erin Butler, Sterling.
Acrylic: First, Monica King; Second, Alicia Blach; Third, Erin Butler, Sterling.
Watercolor: Second, Leta Smith, Joes; Third, Sara Bledsoe, Sterling.
Pencil: Second, Brandon Aagesen. Third, Brandon Aagesen.
Pastel: First, Cindi Musgrave, Wray.
Charcoal: First, Sara Bledsoe; Second, Tosha Wise.
Print/Pastel: First, Tosha Wise; Second, Tosha Wise.
Alcohol Ink: First, Cindy Musgraves; Second, Cindy Musgraves; Third, Cindy Musgraves.
Gen. Photography: First, Mike Hopsicker, Sterling; Second, Christi Herrick, Kirk; Third, Travis Roubideaux, Tulsa, OK; Fourth, Christi Herrick.
Arch. Photography: First, Carson Neary; Second, Travis Roubideaux; Fourth, Carson Neary.
Portrait Photography: First, Sara Bledsoe.
Mixed Media: First, Brandon Aagesen; Second, Christi Herrick.
Leather: First, Tosha Wise; Second, Tosha Wise.
Collage: Third, Christi Herrick.
Etched Glass: First, Brandon Aagesen; Second, Brandon Aagesen.
Acrylic: First, Nina Horn; Second, Nina Horn; Third, Nina Horn.
Acrylic Abstracts: Third, Cheryl Mekelburg; Fourth, Cheryl Mekelburg.
Water Color: First, Nina Horn; Second, Nina Horn; Third, Nina Horn.
Photography: First, Colleen Ochoa, Wray.
Acrylic, Human Figures: First, Joni Maxson; Second, Joni Maxson.
Acrylic, Animals: First, Joni Maxson.
Acrylic, Scenery: First, Margaret Rodwell; Second, Margaret Rodwell; Third, Margaret Rodwell.
Acrylic, Miniatures: Second, Michelle Serrano; Third, Michelle Serrano; Fourth, Michelle Serrano.
Watercolor: First, Ajanay Aragon.
Ink: First, Ajanary Aragon; Second, Ajanay Aragon; Third, Ajanay Aragon.
Oil Pastel: Second, Ajanay Aragon; Third, Ajanay Aragon.
Collage: First, Gail Ardueser.
Mixed Media: First, Nina Horn; Second, Nina Horn.
Etched Glass: First, Phyllis Taylor.
Alcohol Ink: First, Janet Rose.
Color Photography: First, Karen Evans; Second, Ray Heltenberg; Third, Karen Evans; Fourth, Karen Evans.
Black and White Photography: First, Karen Evans; Second, Karen Evans.