On December 30, 2024 at 8 a.m., the Yuma County Board of Commissioners met in regular session. Chairman Mike Leerar, Commissioner Scott Weaver, Commissioner Adam Gates, and Administrator Brandi Ritchey were present throughout the day.
The Commissioners reviewed and signed accounts payable and discussed various meetings attended throughout the prior month. County Administrator, Brandi Ritchey joined the Commissioners at 8:15 a.m. to present for signature the Special Events Permit for the Idalia After Prom Committee. The permit was approved by unanimous vote.
Road & Bridge Supervisor Tom Andersen and Blade Foreman Justin Lorimer joined the meeting at 8:30 a.m. to provide department updates.
The group heard concerns from a county resident about County Road 39.5, specifically requesting that the county modify a curve in the road. Andersen and the Commissioners responded by cautioning that altering the road’s design could compromise its structure and lead to significant costs and time investments for the county. Andersen broughtup a prior concern for heating in the Yuma Shop. Andersen presented a bid for backup heat in the shop. The only source of heating is an oil heater. Commissioner Leerar suggested reaching out to Blackhills Energy for a price on connecting a gas line to the shop and also a quote for a propane tank.
The group reviewed a final budget report for 2024. The Road and Bridge department is projected to be under budget for 2024. Lorimer provided a road report for the commissioners. The group discussed progress on rebuilding several roads in the county.
Anderson reported progress regarding the stolen road signs and has submitted an invoice to the sheriff’s office detailing the materials lost and the estimated costs required to replace the missing or damaged signage.
The Board of County Commissioners convened as the Board of Social Services at 9:30 a.m. Human Services Director Kara Hoover, Bookkeepers Melanie Fisher and Kim Langley, Child Welfare and Adult Protection Supervisor Hollie Hillman, Administrative Assistant Lori Summers, Income Maintenance Supervisor Dalene Rogers were present. Detailed minutes of the Board of Social Services are maintained separately by the Department of Human Services. The Board of County Commissioners reconvened at 10:30 a.m.
At 11 a.m. County Administrator Brandi Ritchey presented two items for signature for Emergency Manager, Jake Rockwell. The first document is a Signature Authorization for his EMPG Grant. The second document was an updated job description for the Emergency Management Coordinator position that has to be updated yearly for the EMPG grant. Both items were approved by unanimous vote.
At 11:30 a.m. the Commissioners heard a department update from Finance Officer, Sarah Carwin. Carwin discussed opening a new clearing account for DHS at First Pioneer National Bank for account reconciliation. The Commissioners reviewed the resolution Carwin prepared. The resolution was approved by unanimous vote. Carwin also presented an invoice that has been submitted. The Commissioners would like Carwin to create a financial policy regarding the processes and procedures for allowable tax-exempt purchases.
At 1 p.m., the Commissioners met with County Administrator Brandi Ritchey to conduct the second reading of proposed ordinance 2024-1 A Yuma County Ordinance to Protect the Right to Carry Firearms in Sensitive Spaces in Accordance with SB 24-131. The second reading was approved by unanimous vote.
Administrator Brandi Ritchey reviewed calls, correspondence, and presented the following for discussion and action:
The Commissioners reviewed and approved the minutes from the previous BOCC meetings; approved a resolution organizing county operations, establishing official holidays and establishing regional board appointments for 2025; approved the 2025 licenses for South YW Ambulance and the City of Yuma Ambulance service; approved the purchase of a new plotter/scanner for the GIS dept and, approved the monthly CDMVA report.
The Commissioners discussed departmental updates including ETPR Administration and business undertaken by the 911 Authority Board. The group also reviewed correspondence received since the last BOCC meeting including a letter regarding streetlights through the town of Joes and letters of interest for multiple board positions. Appointments were made to Yuma County Economic Development Board. Appointments were also made to Eckley, as well as west and east Yuma County cemetery district boards.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners will be on January 14, 2025.